X.O - Green Mung Bean - 454g
*Disclaimer: All product details especially the photo provided is just for reference and may not be up to date and may vary, this is because of the change of packaging from time to time. Please refer to the brand manufacturer for an up to date information of the product. ingredient:
Green Mung Bean 100%:
Imported by / Importé par / Geimporteerd door /
Importiert von / Importato da / Importado por:
Oriental Merchant (Europe)
Vorstengrafdonk 8, 5342 LT Oss, The Netherlands
Best before: see packaging /
À consommer de préférence avant le: voir emballage /
Ten minste houdbaar tot. zie verpalking /
Mindestens haltbar bis: siehe Verpackung/ Da consumarsi preferblmente entro it: vedere la contezore
Consumir preferentemente antes del: ver empaque
Cholesterol 0 mg.
Sodium 29mg
Total Carbohydrate 28g
Dietary Fiber 12g
Total Sugars 39
Includes 0g Added Sugars O%
Protein 10g
Vitamin D 0mcg
Calcium 59 mg
Iron 3mg
Polassium 560mg
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